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Fernando Gamboa is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018 of 7 September on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.

This accessibility statement applies to the website [ https://gamboaescritor.com/ ]:

Compliance status.

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the aspects indicated in the following point.

Non-accessible content.

The content below is not accessible due to the following:

Lack of compliance with RD 1112/2018

There could be punctual code editing errors in some web page. [4.1.1 Processing]

  • There are logos and images with incorrect or confusing alternative text and complex images without textual description [requirement number Non-textual content, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are incorrectly created lists (no list label), tables with incorrectly labeled cells and invisible labels in form elements [requirement number Information and relationships, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There is text that is not displayed correctly when changing line heights and spaces [requirement number Text spacing, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are elements that are not accessible by keyboard, such as links to social networks, the text editor for comments, elements for ordering search results, pagination of search results or calendar arrows [requirement number Keyboard, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are elements that do not receive the focus and therefore cannot be interacted with using the keyboard, for example [requirement number Focus order, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are links in which their function is not correctly identified (they have an inadequate description, a too generic text, an inadequate title…) [requirement number Purpose of the links, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are headings with repeated and/or not very descriptive text [requirement number Headings and labels, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There are pages where support products will not be able to obtain information, interact and be aware of the status of user interface controls, such as help messages, action result status messages, link attributes, page language image… that cannot be read by screen readers at the time they appear [requirement number Name, function, value of UNE-EN 301549:2022].
  • There may be occasional editing errors on some web pages.

Disproportionate burden

Not applicable.

Preparation for the next accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on April 4, 2023.

The method used to prepare the statement was a self-assessment carried out by the website developer: Nominalia Internet S.L.

Comments and contact details

You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as, for example:

  • Report any possible non-compliance by this website.
  • Transmit other difficulties in accessing the content
  • Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement relating to the accessibility of the website.

Through the customer’s e-mail address or through the telephone number (+34) XXX XX XX XX XX.

You can submit:

Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or.

Request for Accessible Information relating to:

Contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by Article 3, paragraph 4.

Content that is exempted from compliance with the accessibility requirements because it imposes a disproportionate burden

Optional content.

This portal is designed to be able to change the text size and color, contrast, background and font type by using a specific accessibility plugin located on the website and which you can identify by this icon:

In addition, you can use the standard browser configuration options.

If you wish to change the font size of the text in the main graphical browsers use the following menus:

  • Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox: View > Text size
  • Opera: View > Zoom
  • Safari: View > Make text larger
  • Chrome: Control the current page > Text Size

To change the size of everything on the page:

  • Ctrl + + to increase it
  • Ctrl + – to decrease it
  • Ctrl + 0 restores the original size of the text.

The website is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher and the latest versions of FireFox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome. The minimum recommended web resolution is 1280×1024.

The website is designed for Responsive viewing, so it is optimally displayed on tablet and mobile devices. On these devices it is optimized for viewing in the latest versions of Chrome for mobile, Firefox for mobile, Safari mobile, Opera Mini and native Android browser.

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